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Solar Butterfly - Start of the world tour

The latest solar project by Lucerne pioneer Louis Palmer is ready to go! Traveling around the world with a solar-powered house and covering 200,000 km using only solar energy - that's the goal.

The pioneer and initiator Louis Palmer has been tinkering and working with us in Hirschengraben Coworking for a long time. Mutual inspiration and a friendly and personal exchange characterizes the cooperation. We appreciate that we can also contribute to the success of this story through our community and with our premises - even if the "Butterfly" has already flown.

He and his crew want to drive 200,000 kilometers, visit thousands of school buildings on the way and explain to the schoolchildren in simple terms how it is possible to get around without oil. You will also meet other energy pioneers who are already showing solutions on how we can influence the environment more positively.

Follow the project on social media under the name meetlarso (Larso is the name of the SolarButterfly | so-lar > larso)

Do you even want to be part of the crew and take part in this exciting project and meet interesting people? Then you can apply on the Solarbutterfly website:


The Goal

"The solution to combating climate change is already there - it's solar energy," says initiator Louis Palmer. With the Solar Butterfly he wants to visit climate protection projects in Switzerland, Europe and around the world, present them and thus help them to get the attention they deserve.

The initiate

The Swiss environmental activist has been committed to a sustainable lifestyle for decades, with a focus on renewable energies and zero-emission electromobility. In 2007 and 2008 he was the first person to circumnavigate the world in a solar-powered car for 18 months – there is even a documentary about it.

S. Krausz/Solar Butterfly

The Butterfly

The project name is to be understood quite literally: This time the solar vehicle is really a big butterfly with fold-out solar wings (they are supposed to attract sunrays and looks at the same time), in which four crew members can live sustainably. Construction was in full swing and was financed with the help of sponsorships and partnerships.

The Tour

From May 2022, this trip will take you through the whole of Switzerland and then through all continents. The final destination is Paris at the end of 2025 – just in time for the tenth anniversary of the climate agreement. In Switzerland, the Solar Butterfly wants, among other things, to have a solar-powered one

Tractor, state-of-the-art e-bikes and a

Crane that stores electricity, attentive


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